Animated "Animated PNG" PNG

It's an animated PNG of the text "Animated PNG".
A rotating view of the text "PNG" above shiny multicolored spheres in a grid with the text "Animated" flashing above

And here's a non-animated "Animated PNG" PNG!
A static view of the 3D text "Animated PNG" above shiny multicolored spheres in a grid.

I had attempted to recreate this image from the main page of the PNG website. The website actually included the source 3D files for that image, but they were for a 3D software called POV-Ray, and there seemed to be no way to import the files into my 3D software of choice, Blender. (Still on 2.7 because 2.8 freezes completely on my system)
Luckily, POV-Ray files are stored as plain text, that is at least somewhat human-readable, so I could at least get colors, sphere sizes, and light positions fairly accurate. The coordinate system was all different so I did a bunch of effective rotating though.
Here is the Blender file I made. (A Blender 2.7 file in Cycles Render mode. To make it render faster you can reduce the Render Samples in the Sampling section of the Render Properties.)