LEGS font

The L.E.G.S. font is a font made via me tracing the letters in the webcomic El Goonish Shive. L.E.G.S. is short for Letterized El Goonish Shive. Yes I picked the name so it would spell a word.
EGS itself uses a font made by the author that has not been distributed to my knowledge, hence the tracing. I traced only high-definition characters that were like 20px tall or so I think.

Notable things about L.E.G.S are:

You can download the current version of L.E.G.S here (12444 bytes).

Sometime afterward, GIMP and some other image editors started displaying the font too thin. In GIMP, this can be fixed by right-clicking the text layer and clicking "Composite Space"→"RGB Perceptual".
If the above doesn't work, as a last resort here's a thicker version of the L.E.G.S font.

License: do whatever you want with it, to the degree I can allow you to with a traced font.

Footnote 1: (yes I've got a footnote it's so fancy) "Another Font Test of Doom" on DeviantArt