Obscure Web Logos
Logos for web technologies, which were hard to find from a simple Internet search.
When searching for CSS logos, most results are some variation on the HTML5 logo, often in blue.
However, w3.org actually has the official CSS logo, and
it looks ok i guess
There are other variations on the logo:
When searching for the Atom Feed logo, I get many different images representing atoms, as well as variations on the RSS logo. The actual logo does show up! but it's easy to lose among the impostors.
The correct AtomEnabled logo is now on Wikipedia, hopefully making it less obscure.
The W3C Feed Validator uses a "Valid Atom" button, in the background of which the AtomEnabled logo can be seen.
The button is from Atom Buttons on atomenabled.org (archived).
An actual SVG of the AtomEnabled logo is located at intertwingly.net. It looks weird when the background isn't white, so I have created a version that works on any-coloured background:
Fun side fact: AtomEnabled used to be called Pie. The name was changed after many many names for Pie were proposed.